Menomena - Taos Lyrics:
oh I`ll bet I know what you like
at least think I know what you might
I`m not the most c**ksure guy
but I get more bold with every smile

so please, show me your teeth, I`ll show mine
I sure hope our P`s and Q`s don`t mind
cause I`ve been alone quite some time
and I`ve got to scratch this itch of mine
and I think I know what you know
I`m not that smooth but I`m not blind

the hours pass us by as gin slips slowly
past our tingling spines, cheeks warm and glowing
I`m a social mess but not yet slurring
the words that come to rest upon my luring tongue

oh I`ll bet I know what you like
at least think I know what you might
I`m not the most c**ksure guy
but I still sure fight the good hard fight
try as I may, try I might
I`ll ever scratch this itch of mine
we`ve all got our vices, this one`s mine
so I might not smoke but I get high

underneath this fleshy robe lies a beast with no control
I fed it once look how it`s grown
oh my god, bring me peace from this wolf covered in fleece
I can`t shake loose from its teeth
oh my god, set me free
I have no ability to cut my leash and walk away

with every passing night my conscience lessens
and seems to pacify these guilt filled sessions
now I`m a social pest but not yet willing
to put my laws to rest till I`m done filling these holes

I`ll bet I know what you like
at least think I know what you might
and I`m not the most c**ksure man (?)
I take what I get and get what I can